Posts tagged law of emittance
Your Sentence Begins with "I AM". Crafting a Rocking Self-Concept for Being Your Favorite Version of Yourself

The way you see yourself and believe yourself to be, what you believe you are capable of, what you believe you deserve, is directly reflected in what you are manifesting for yourself and what you believe you are able to have, receive, manifest. What do you truly believe you are able to receive in one day? One hour? One week?

Do you have a good self-concept? How can you tell? Well, are you happy in your life. Are you happy and pleased with your day, with your job, with yourself and your partnerships? If you are not pleased in any area of your life, you are holding a consciousness around that thing that is not in alignment with your true being.

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You are Already Experiencing An Excess of Success. Manifesting Success.

Success is directly a matter of perspective. When you decide that everything is a success, you are correct. Yet another example of the “shifting perspectives” The Joy Channel Podcast is known to bring you ;)

Florence Scovel Shinn recounts a story in one of her books about a former pastor who says he now baptizes every single person and situation with the same name - “Success”

I adore this and have been using the affirmation “I baptize everything as a success” ever since this came into my awareness.

Decide everything is a success, and you are free. By practicing the rampant pronoia of recognizing everything in the Universe is conspiring for you, you receive the most avid wellness possible.

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Changing your Appearance and Body with Manifestation (Affirmations and Visualization)

If you have been wondering “Can I change my physical appearance and body with manifestation?” The answer is yes. Manifesting physical changes in your body is Easy and natural. It is what happens FIRST when you are changing the thoughts of your autopilot knowing. When you adopt confidence, your whole posture changes, your breathing changes, your organs therefore change. Different thoughts firing release different sequences of electrical impulses and protein cascades through the body.

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